miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

JVS TSLM 3rd / 4th "My personal life and thoughts " by JAMIESON

"My personal life and thoughts " by JAMIESON

I think my life is simple but some times there are difficulties but here goes mine. My mother helps me with my homework while my father likes teaching me information and I like that and I think it rather helps me, when my mother helps me with my homework. She is quite good at it, personally.

I miss my friends a lot but like my father always says you have to get over it and that kind of works for me. My mother has always been on the positive side and that’s why inside myself I support her for that side of positivity. On the other hand my father is serious about learning math but personally that’s actually good. 

My ‘mid’ cat and dog are Zorion and Cloe. I use the word ‘mid’ because they are not mine. They are my aunt’s cat and dog and I have played with them often and it is fun. My aunt‘s spirits are high, and almost all the family that I know of are Buddhist. The good thing is that there is not a step-father or step-mother in the family and that’s very good. 


A party funy

One day a girl an her frinds are so happy  the girl its exating but have much homeworks in your house  an in the afternoon have a party but not want to go.
An the girl dont wanted to go at the finish go the girl say this party is not funy.
Suddenly one DJ showed up an after the party its so funy an the  girl its funy in the party.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

JVS La escuela 4 estrellas🙂⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jose Emilio

Jvs la escuela cuatro estrellas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Las palabras en negritas son palabras importantes las palabras en cursiva  son ejemplos gracias !

Modelo socioemocional 

El modelo educativo TSLM  ayuda a los niños a desarrollar una inteligencia emocional bastante bien hecha y fortalece el autoestima del niño , También usa el programa kiva un programa antibulling que enseña al niño mediante juegos a respetar y  a ayudar a otros para que se integren / ellos mismos a integrarse

Clase de arte

La escuela Julio Verne Fortalece la creatividad del niño dándole trabajos que incluyen: dibujos,maquetas,estatuas,... y otras divertidas actividades


 Julio Verne realisa actividades que incluyen hacer videos (Sin mostrar la cara) con la aplicación iMovie La cual es muy sencilla de usar


En las actividades incluyen ejercicios de meditación relajantes 
para entrenar la serenidad 

Clase cocina

También incluye una clase de cocina para hacer resetas caseras y sencillas
Como: tamales,pan de elote,crepas... y demas

JVS TSLM 3rd / 4th What is my school like? JAMIESON

I have a school, which is Jules Verne School. This has an entrance that leads to the administrator and the principal's office.
Going further there is a toilet almost next to a tree which is in the centre of a playground. Beyond there is a large  building which contains classrooms toilets and teachers which are good at educating.